Other files
Here you can quickly and easily download instructions for our roller shutters.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to write to us.
Assembly & Warranty
Our Mr. Jens Klettke is at your disposal for surveying and installation appointments available. Please have ready if available, your customer number and the name of the roller shutter.
Trade Shows
Find a trade show in the overview in your area! Stop by us. We will advise you free of charge and without obligation. At our headquarters in Simmersfeld You can also, by telephone arrangement, Monday through Thursday visit from 09:00 to 17:00, also happy with visit to our…
Roof window roller shutter made to measure
Sky ligtht shutter- the perfect ready-for-assembly element, that outshine verything. The customization for all common skylights:
Velux Roto Braas
For an offer, we only need the type number of your skylight, which is pressed on the …
Assembly instructions
Here you will find all assembly instructions for our roller shutters to download quickly and easily.
If you have any further questions, please write to us.
Wiga Star
Studio Star
Instructions for use
Here you can find all operating instructions for our roller shutters to download quickly and easily.
If you have any further questions, please write to us.
High quality sun protection products
The customer is king. Schanz adopted this slogan and is raising their customer´s satisfaction with an additional selection of products. Not only special aluminium shutters for window of all construction shapes, normal windows and sun rooms are part of the…